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MPPAW Role Descriptions

Individuals are elected to the following Board positions each year. Interested parties are encouraged to participate - contact us here! Each role also has an Elect position that shadows the board member and serves in the role the following year.


The President leads the MPPAW Board of Directors and partners with the Board to manage day-to-day operations with the goal of fulfilling the mission of MPPAW. Duties include:

Set MPPAW’s annual goals and strategies

Collect agenda items and conduct Board meetings

Partner with Board members

Submit motions to the membership as needed and conduct annual elections, pursuant to the organization

Consult with VP-Programs to generate program / speaker ideas

Monitor organization finances, in partnership with Treasurer; review and approve expenses

Ensure positive and effective meeting and membership experience; bring member feedback to board members and board as appropriate; and ensure necessary actions are taken by the board.

Engage with existing and potential sponsors to help support MPPAW programming

Welcome members and guests at monthly meetings. Includes:

Kick off each meeting with announcements

Provide a welcoming experience to members and guests

Provide recognition to Sustaining Members and Sponsors

Be the final point of contact as necessary with hotel, catering and AV staff to ensure MPPAW needs are met

Represent MPPAW among other local SIOP chapters (e.g., METRO, Chicago, Atlanta, etc.) and related organizations in the Twin Cities (e.g., ODN, ATD, etc.), and participate in the SIOP local groups committee

Ensure organization’s bylaws are followed and kept up-to-date

Identify a President-Elect who will shadow throughout the year. At end of program year, transition duties and materials to new President.

VP, Programs

Beginning as VP Program Elect, select and schedule speakers for the following year

Coordinate with speakers and determine their technology needs for their presentation

Update Board monthly regarding the program, speakers, issues, etc.

Introduce the speakers at the monthly meetings

Keep track of receipts for speaker gifts, speaker travel, etc. and pass to Treasurer for reimbursement

Send thank you notes to speakers

VP, Communications (Website and Social Media)


Update web site with meeting / speaker details, post logos of Sponsors on the website

Manage email account and distribute monthly reminder emails to the mailing list (following the Communications Workplan/Schedule). Ensure that new members’ email addresses are added to the distribution list, and manage any online requests for subscribing, unsubscribing, and/or changing email addresses.

Monitoring Jobs page on web site each month and confirm that roles are still open; if not, remove them

Social Media:

Manage MPPAW LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook accounts.

Promote upcoming speakers via social media platforms. Post meeting reminders.

Live tweet during meetings (where feasible / appropriate).

Logistics and Secretary Coordinators:

Maintain correspondence and communication with Event coordinator from meeting venue

Determine menu for MPPAW two weeks before scheduled meeting date

Confirm and finalize menu choices with venue

Keep in contact with meeting venue event coordinator/banquet captain on night of event for number of guests to ensure food is sustained.

Coordinate with Mentorship Coordinators about their space and technology needs for Mentoring Orientation as well as accommodations for monthly Group Mentoring sessions

Attend Board meetings, record meeting minutes, and send to board member afterwards

Coordinate with president to confirm who will bring copies of the agenda to each meeting

VP, Membership

Prepare all materials for meeting registration and manage Registration Desk at each meeting. Collect fees and prepare for Treasurer.

Maintain list of all prior and current members, receive dues and forward to Treasurer, confirm receipt of each member registration. Update member list as required.

Prepare printed name tags for meetings.

Email meeting announcements to membership and forward information via email.

Monitor membership gmail account, responding to queries as they come through


Manage MPPAW accounts – Includes tracking income and expenses, balancing books monthly and reporting/reconciling any discrepancies. Reimburse MPPAW board members or vendors (in timely manner) for materials/services associated with MPPAW (e.g., room rental, catering, membership directory, website hosting, etc.).

Maintain Financial Records – Maintain up-to-date records of income/expenses, provide brief summary of current status to other board members during each board member meeting.

Coordinate Annual Audit – At end of MPPAW season (typically mid-September), compile and organize all receipts, bank statements, deposit slips, etc., and provide to outside auditor for review.

Non-Profit Status – Respond to/submit any state or federal forms needed to maintain MPPAW’s non-profit status.

Be Proactive – Anticipate future MPPAW financial needs, offer recommendations as appropriate, and keep board members informed of any important issues surrounding financial status of MPPAW.

Mentoring Program Co-Chairs

Ensure the structure of the mentoring program meets the needs of mentors and mentees

Collaborate with the Group Mentoring program advisor and contacts to ensure alignment and integration with the overall program

Manage the mentor/mentee application and matching process

Organize, design, and facilitate the program kick-off in the fall and mid-point program social

Gather and take action upon feedback from program participants

Partner with Logistics to ensure program venue needs are secured

Work with the webmaster to represent the program accurately on the MPPAW website

Manage the mentoring program email, responding to queries as they come through

Member Engagement

Plan and execute various social events for members outside of monthly meetings.

Network and build relationships with local nonprofit organizations.

Cultivate volunteer opportunities for members.

Oversee volunteer projects.

CEU Coordinator

The CEU Coordinator ensures that MPPAW members who are subject to licensing by the Minnesota Board of Psychology receive CEU credit for attendance at MPPAW meetings. The Coordinator annually renews MPPAW’s accreditation with the Board and provides individuals forms for submission for CEU credit. Typically the Coordinator assists with the registration process at the beginning of each meeting and pitches in as needed with other projects as a member of MPPAW’s Board.

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