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Minnesota Professionals for Psychology Applied to Work (or as we affectionately call it, MPPAW), was designed in 1998 to benefit its members through the sharing of ideas and information about Psychology as applied to work and Human Resource Management, facilitate education and information exchange among scientists and practitioners in the applied behavioral and organizational sciences, and support the advancement of the field as a science and as a profession.

Since the beginning, we have worked to bring together professionals dedicated to applying psychology to the workplace. Our members come from across Minnesota and beyond to discuss current trends, research findings, and to experience the comradery of the MPPAW community at our monthly meetings. 


MPPAW formed in 1998 with an overarching goal of inclusiveness and sustainability. Keys to the success of MPPAW included involving a wide range of people from academics to practitioners on the Board. Presentation topics were selected that integrated science and practice and stimulated robust conversation. Our longevity can be attributed in part to the dedication of our members through their service to the group and participation in our events.

Contact us

General Board email: MPPAW.Board@gmail.com

Communications email: mppawboardcommunications@gmail.com

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