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What are the benefits of membership?

Expand your professional network

Meet potential employers, employees, or future colleagues

Contribute to the profession of applied psychology

Learn about/share cutting edge research and industry best practices

Find research partners

Free/reduced MPPAW meeting fees

CEU credits

What does it cost to join MPPAW?

Student (includes meeting fees): Student in-person: $60, Student online-only: $40

Professional (includes meeting fees and CEU credits): Full in-person membership: $120, Online-only: $90

What does it cost to attend a meeting if I’m not a member?

Meeting fees: Professional $40, Student $20

Online-only meeting fees: Professional $20, Student $10

Who is eligible to join?

As dictated by MPPAW bylaws, membership is open to anyone with an interest in applied psychology, and who agrees to further the purposes of MPPAW.

Who is eligible for student membership?

Student membership is available to anyone who is currently enrolled full-time in a graduate or undergraduate program at an accredited college or university, and who agrees to further the purposes of MPPAW.

What’s the benefit of becoming a member versus paying only for meetings I can attend?

Becoming a member:

Provides a greater incentive to attend all the meetings

Supports your profession at the local level

Helps keep dues affordable for all members and reduces the frequency of fee increases

Helps keep MPPAW financially sound

Provides access to meeting videos/content, when allowed by speakers

Do you offer institutional memberships or discounts for multiple people who join from the same employing organization?

Institutional memberships are not currently available, but are under consideration by the MPPAW Board. Please let a Board member know if your organization may be interested in this type of membership.

Those interested in a sponsorship can access more information on the Sponsors page!

How do I get more information about becoming a Board member?

See descriptions of Board of Directors volunteer positions.

Please contact the Board if you are interested in serving in a role!

What are the benefits of becoming a Board member?

Opportunity to have an impact on MPPAW, including speakers/topics, meeting logistics, and organizational goals

Networking with persons who are leaders in the field of applied psychology

Gain experience serving on the Board of a professional association

Opportunity to contribute to MPPAW and our local professional community

Is MPPAW a non-profit organization?

Yes, MPPAW is established exclusively for charitable, scientific, and educational purposes as a not-for-profit, professional association. It is classified as a 501 (c) (6) organization under the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended.

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